Proof that Olivia.P is posting a FAKE Yelp review. CLICK HERE to see her dishonest post. Olivia is stating that Jaxx was shaved among other dishonest accusations. This video is here because of Olivia P. is saying horrible things about my staff, salon, and me. You will also see below how she is Yelping on feeling and not facts.
This video is uploaded to have visual and audio proof that Olivia P. is lying and has no shame to write false accusations.I am always truthful and if and when something does occur, I address it before the client leaves with their pet. More videos are to come.
Olivia P. is trying to publicly shame me and defame and slander to my good reputation to falsely accuse me when we are very carful and take every precaution into the care and well being of your fur baby.
Groomers BEWARE!!! It's not worth it. Steer away from this young lady.
As you can see on our Yelp, We have stellar reviews.
This was the initial contact once I received an alert from Yelp. I read Olivia P. review. I usually get very good reviews. This once again is a Fake Yelp Review. I am going to show content, video, and sound so you can make a decision for yourself on what goes on when being accused of a doing something to a beloved pet. I care for all your fur babies. Okay, so let me set the scenario for you. The first video above is when Olivia and Marie P. came to the Salon and was asking questions. More to come...

Coming Soon....

Coming Soon.....

Coming Soon....


Coming Soon....